Brand Story® Workshop

Identify your competitive edge that can engage new customers. Develop a coherent brand strategy so that all business decisions and messaging are always “on brand.”

1. Position your brand effectively

Engage your target customers by aligning their needs to your competitive advantage.

2. Build a brand platform

With a clear brand concept and position, your marketing efforts will become clear, consistent and effective.

3. Get everyone on the same page

Experience the difference when marketing, sales, and management work from a coordinated brand strategy.

How a Brand Story Workshop works:

Whether you’re starting up or have an established brand,
a Brand Story Workshop targets your marketing efforts more effectively.

Discovery Assignment

Everyone who touches the brand (executives, marketing, sales, key vendors) can be invited to share their market knowledge through the Discovery Assignment. This survey captures critical information about your target customer, competitive landscape, and brand strategy. Some companies have this information already. In most companies, Discovery reveals a wide variety in how people view the brand mission.

Compiling and Preparation

The Discovery Assignment results are compiled into a Brand Story presentation. This information guides the development of a custom Brand Story Workshop . The presentation looks at the insights within your organization and looks at how your organization’s Brand Mission stacks up against the competitive landscape. The goal is to document how your brand is viewed by your associates and (with an external survey) your customers.

The Workshop

This one or two-day event brings everyone together — either in person or virtually. The Workshop begins by looking at how successful brands uniquely align their products and services to their customers’ needs. We share the Discovery data and use that insight to develop a Brand Positioning Statement for your company. If there is time, we begin to build a Brand Platform, starting with the all-important Brand Concept — the big idea that drives your brand.

Brand Story® Workshop positioning examples:


Brand Position:
“Workflow Excellence”

Sullivan Foundation

Brand Position:
“Inspiring lives of service”

Thrive Farmers

Brand Position:
“Farmer-Direct Coffee”

Side By Side

Brand Position:
“Rebuilding Lives After Brain Injury”


Brand Position:
“We Empower Teachers”

Oncology Resource Networks

Brand Position:
“Transform Your Oncology Network”

Wing Zone

Brand Position:
“For People Who Love Flavor”


Brand Position:
“It’s Better to Heal at Home”

Examples of Workshop Materials:

There's hidden gold in every brand

Discover how a Brand StoryⓇ Workshop can focus your marketing efforts. A brand positioning workshop can be easily integrated into your current brand strategy and marketing efforts. Workshops can be conducted in person or online.