Establish your brand as a thought leader:

  • Content Marketing increases traffic, engages customers and drives sales.
  • Thought leadership keeps your brand story relevant, visible, and top of mind as the solution to your customer’s needs.
  • Your BIG IDEA campaign is just three steps away:


1. Identify the Big Idea

Put your market knowledge to work by promoting a Big Idea that positions you and your brand as a thought-leader, forward thinker, and trusted change agent.

Identify the engaging idea or issue: Like most organizations, you have multiple pots on the burners. We will work with you to identify the hot button issue that your market cares about. Through SEO research, following industry news, participating in a Brand StoryⓇ workshop or tapping into your market insight, we will identify the compelling ideas that demonstrate your organization’s thought leadership.

2. Demonstrate Thought Leadership

We will expand the Big Idea into a white paper, benchmark study, or e-book that engages prospects, demonstrates your authority and positions your brand on the leading edge.

Work with a veteran writer/brand strategist: As an accomplished author, writer and brand strategist, Bruce Miller will work with you to turn the Big Idea into downloadable content. This may be in the form of a white paper, free e-book, benchmark study, or other form of content.

Capture leads with downloadable content: Your Web site will host the digital content and require users to provide contact information before downloading. In addition to establishing thought leadership, this approach enhances SEO, increases brand visibility, and captures valuable sales leads.

3. Build a Message Platform

The goal of Thought Leadership  content marketing is to set the “tent pole,” then anchor it with a broad footprint of “stakes.”

Create a content platform: Social media, press releases, SEO landing pages, video, webinars, home page banners, and email anchor your big idea. In this scalable approach, your core content re-purposes on multiple platforms. It’s the most cost-effective way to drive a brand message in a noisy, cluttered marketplace.

Launch the campaign: Thought Leadership campaigns are coordinated — all the pieces work together. New postal technology even allows emails to launch when printed mail is delivered.

Supplement your existing brand marketing: Thought Leadership  campaigns can be staged as a 3-month to 6-month hit-and-run campaign to supplement rather than replace your existing brand marketing. Best of all, the campaign recharges your relevancy while reconnecting customers with your brand.

See a Thought Leadership  campaign in action below:

A successful content marketing campaign in action:

Miller eMedia launched Oncology Resource Networks’ Big Idea: How health plans can transform their provider network through a “Centers of Excellence” approach.

White Paper

Downloadable white paper with contact capture form.

Case Study

Case study reinforces the Big Idea as a clinical poster and in collateral.

Trade Show Messaging

The Big Idea carried out into all trade show messaging and graphics.

Print Collateral

“Transform Your Oncology Network” content-marketing one page hand-out.

Social Media

LinkedIn posts and industry ads drive readers to the landing page and downloadable white paper.

Landing Page

Destination page for ad banners while enhancing content marketing SEO.
For an in-depth exploration of best practices in Content Marketing, read “The DNA Behind the World’s Most Successful Content” from LinkedIn.

Build an integrated messaging platform to Tell your Brand Story.

Atlanta’s experienced content-marketing specialist can help you build brand awareness and establish thought leadership within the Atlanta region or nationwide with an integrated content-marketing campaign.