THRIVE FARMERS COFFEEThrive Farmers Coffee was built from the ground up as a new brand.
The Thrive Farmers brand video was instrumental in communicating the farmer-direct concept and putting the brand on the map.

When Kenneth Lander, an American lawyer moved to Costa Rica to buy a small coffee farm, he discovered a disturbing truth: Some coffee farmers were abandoning their farms because the economics didn’t add up.
Ken met Alejandro Garcia, a young farmer who was trying to save his family farm by taking his premium coffee crop directly to market — bypassing the middleman. Ken and Ale met Michael Jones, an Atlanta business entrepreneur who could help. But n0w they had a new challenge: There are hundreds, possibly thousands of coffee brands in the marketplace. They needed a way to connect to the consumer.
Using our Brand Story® Workshop approach, we sought a unique brand position. “Super premium sustainable coffee” and “helping the plight of the farmer” were commonplace in the market. We identified “bringing the farm-to-table movement to the world of coffee” as the unique brand differentiator. We named the company THRIVE Farmers. The core concept: Farmer-Direct with a key focus on knowing the farmer who grows your coffee.
THRIVE Farmers was launched a mere six months after the brand was conceived. The first major breakthrough was getting the product on the shelves of Earth Fare. A year later, the farmer-direct concept and the opportunity to make coffee farming economically sustainable caught the interest of Chick-fil-A which sought an artisan coffee for its restaurants.