Brand Story® for Non-Profits
“We received a $100,000 check today for facility improvements! This was the meeting we created the case statement for!!! Thank you thank you!”
~ Cindi Johnson, Executive Director, Side by Side

Proof that Brand Story® is critical for non-profits:
Our client, Side by Side Brain Injury Clubhouse, Inc., offers a day program for people with traumatic brain injuries.
Side by Side wanted to apply for a grant from the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, but as a small program run out of a converted house in Stone Mountain, Georgia, they needed major donors to feel confident about their organization.
Side by Side was preparing for its moonshot.
There would be no second chance.

Here are the 4 steps we took to position
Side By Side for major donors:
1. Brand Story Workshop
We brought the leaders together to ask the basic question: “Is Side-by-Side a daycare clubhouse – a membership organization – or a clinical program?
We studied the Woodruff Foundation’s mission: “To fund well-established organizations that improve the quality of life for children and adults in need.”
Here are the points from our whiteboard exercise. Click to view:
2. Brand Positioning Statement
We completely repositioned Side by Side’s program as a clinical approach and branded it as the Partnership Model. This new positioning aligned with the goals of Woodruff and other major donors.
Learn more about Brand Positioning.
Here is the brand position developed in the workshop:
Side by Side Brand Position
AUDIENCE: For donors, payers, and policymakers…
PROBLEM: Who seek a cost-effective, positive, and proven impact on the human cost of brain injuries to our society, while improving the quality of life of the people impacted and their families…
UNIQUE SOLUTION: Only Side by Side, with its unique Partnership Model, rebuilds shattered lives by engaging the whole person through a community of mutual support coupled with professional guidance.
PROOF: The success of our Partnership Model is evidenced by our program’s ability to: Achieve incremental goals of self-sufficiency by 90 percent, increase the health and well-being of the family, reduce initial rehabilitation costs up to 85 percent, protect the payer’s investment in rehabilitation gains, and lower the total cost of future care.
4. Case Statement
I told Cindi, “You have to go big on the case statement. This is the pitch that donors will measure you by.”
I learned the value of the case statement years ago when I created media for the inaugural UCLA Campaign – a $100 million fundraising effort. The UCLA Campaign has grown to $5.4 billion.
To play in the big leagues,
Side by Side needed to look like
they belonged.
Read the case statement that won the grant. >>

Executive Director, Cindi Johnson was ecstatic with the campaign’s success. She explained:
“You want major donors to respond to what’s in your heart, but you’re ultimately judged by your professionalism and execution. And that’s okay. Foundations have their own constituencies to be accountable to.” ~ Cindi Johnson
Competition for grants has never been greater.
Learn how to align your Brand Story®
to the needs of major donors.